Join The giving lab
Information for Students interested in Master thesis or PhD
I am always on the lookout for enthusiastic students who want to research marketing and consumer behavior in the context of prosocial and giving. To learn about the Coller school of management PhD program go to:
If you read about what the giving-lab studies and you are intrigued you are welcome to contact me, to set up a meeting, but before you do so make sure you research me and what I do and read some papers on prosocial, donations, charity etc in consumer behavior and social psychology journals.
Think about what you want to explore. Come prepared!
You are also welcome to join our lab meetings, which takes place every other Tuesday at the Coller school of business, to get a better feeling of how we can work together.
Information for Students interested in being research assistants
If you are a Tel-Aviv university undergraduate or graduate student who is interested in making a lot of money – I encourage you NOT to apply for a research assistant position, but if you found the lab’s work interesting and you want to get a “taste” of what research is about in a flexible pay-by-hour manner – I encourage you to email me.
Research students typically assist in the creation of experimental designs, run human participants (online and offline), code participant responses, help in literature reviews and (if interested) may learn how to analyze data. Knowing experimental platforms such as Qualtrics, Sona, Mturk, Prolofic is an advantage.
Research students are welcome to join the lab meetings (but don’t have to), which take place every other Tuesday at the Coller school of business.