Prosocial researchers in The giving lab

Prof. Danit Ein-Gar

I am an associate professor at the Marketing Department at Coller School of Management, Tel-Aviv University and the head of Marketing department.

My primary research interest is how and why people give to others in need.

Giving may take many forms such as monetary donations, volunteerism, free knowledge sharing (i.e. advice giving) and emotional support etc.

I am interested in exploring the new platforms of giving in the modern-digital world (donation raising apps, donation-based crowdfunding, social network campaigns) and the unique psychological processes that play at heart when people need to decide whether to give and how much to give in these platforms.

Other research avenues I am interested in are; self-control, I have developed and validated a dispositional self-control measure temporal effects in consumer behavior and finally how situational and dispositional differences in information processing shape decisions.

I am fortunate to work and collaborate with wonderful research students and colleagues, in Israel, Europe, USA and Asia.

Research Students

PhD and master students

Natalia Konkov

Natalia Kononov

PhD student at Coller school of management, Tel-Aviv University

Dafna Ironi

Dafna Ironi

MA student in Social Psychology, Tel-Aviv University

Yu LIN (Anna)

Yu LIN (Anna)

PhD student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research assistants

Barak Dakar

Barak Dakar

B.A. Student in Psychology, Film and Television, Tel-Aviv university

Shir Gofer

Shir Gofer

MsC Student in Psychology, at Haifa University and Child culture at Tel-Aviv university

Alumni research students

Yael Ecker

Dr. Yael Ecker

Completed her PhD in Psychology at Ben-Gurion university and is currently at the University of Cologne.

Sharon Zoizner

Sharon Zoizner

Completed her Msc in Tel-Aviv university,
working in Sapio Research and Development

Dr. Orly Bareket

Complete her PhD in Psychology at Tel-Aviv University and is currently at Princeton University.